Download Torrent Files Without Using Torrent Client with Maximum Speed

Hey guys, Today i am gonna show a trick which is very useful those who use Torrent daily. As we all love to download movies ,music , Software from torrent but for some reasons , clients like utorrent ,bittorrent, Vuze & many more unable to give Maximum download speed where as IDM (Internet Download Manager) gives more speed than these torrent clients.
So I am gonna share a Trick by which you can download torrent files from IDM. I would recommend IDM because its the best Download Manager on Internet. 

Note: If the file is 2MB , or 100 MB, or 500 MB or 1 GB m or 8 GB or any size , IDM will download the whole file in one go. There will be no Parts like it is in Rapidshare or hotfile etc. And yes there is Resume Capablity , so that you can pause at anytime.

Steps To Follow:
Step 1: Download & Install IDM (Internet download Manager). If you don't know where to find IDM then PM me , i will you the link.

Step 2: Copy Any torrent link address or download the torrent file.
[Image: AlJK5.jpg]

Step 3: Visit 
THIS site.
[Image: 2zKug.jpg]

Step 4:Paste the Link address or upload the torrent file.

[Image: Q7koT.jpg]
After doing this step, Click on Go Free

[Image: m01de.jpg]

What it will do ,you must be thinking!!
As in simple language,the site where you have upload the torrent file will download the whole torrent stuff & will give you the direct link. And if got IDM , then the download will automatically start with IDM with Maxed out Speed. 

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1 comment:

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