Find Serial Key Of any Software Using Simple Google Tricks

Most of you download and use pirated software from torrents or any such other sites, but sometime it gets very difficult to find serial key of those softwares. I will make it easy for you by showing you simple yet very intersting google trick which will allow you to find serial key of any software very easily.

How To Find Serial Key Of Any Software ?

The key 94FBR is a part of  Office 2000 Pro CD activation key that is widely distributed as it bypasses the activation requirements of Office 2000 Pro. By searching for 94fbr and the product name, you are guarantee that the pages that are returned are pages dealing specifically with the product you're wanting a serial for. Follow simple steps given below to learn this trick

    1. Go to Google
    2. Then type  Software Name 94FBR
  • Replace Software Name with the name of software whose serial key you want to find
  • Eg: To find serial key of Nero i will type Nero 94fbr
    3. Now press Enter and you will find serial key of software you are looking for as shown below.
google trick to find serial key
- See more at:


Configuring uTorrent/BitTorrent for Maximum Speed and Efficiency

Torrents and the BitTorrentfile distribution system has become extremely popular these days and has become one of the most popular mediums for downloading files off the Internet. If you do not already know, a torrent file is a type of computer file that contains metadata about files and folders which is shared and distributed in a large network of computers known as trackers. You can refer to this link for more information about torrents. There are various torrent clients used to download files from this network and the most popular ones are:

Some users while downloading files using torrent clients experience slow downloads which can often be caused by incorrect configuration settings of the router or a firewall on the system. So by tinkering with the configuration settings for a bit, you can easily increase your torrent download speed and enjoy a fast download. Below I’ll be showing you couple of methods and tips you can use to increase torrent performance on your PC. Throughout this guide, we’ll be using uTorrent to test and configure so it is advised you use uTorrent too.

Configuring uTorrent for Maximum Speed and Efficiency

First we will be changing some inbuilt settings of uTorrent to increase the performance. For that, first we need to know our connection upload speed. A simple way to do that is by visiting a website called SpeedTest. The website lets you easily calculate your connection quality, the upload and download speed.

[Image: 5CZHxUc.png]

Now you’ll see something like in the picture above. You’ll need to click the BEGIN TEST to start measuring your network speed. Make sure you pause all your ongoing downloads or other pages that uses your bandwidth before you click BEGIN TEST. This is important to get the right speed of your Internet.

[Image: tzRlTbF.png]

Once you’re done, you’ll see something like in this picture above. Your download speed and upload speed depends entirely on your connection so it might vary a lot. But what you need is the Upload Speed which is 0.38 Mbps in the above case. We will need this value later on. So either note this value down or just remember it. Now we can move onto the next step which is calculating the values for configuring uTorrent.

So once you’ve got your upload speed, we need to go to another website to get the correct values for the configuration settings in uTorrent. The website we’ll use is Azureus Upload Settings Calculator. Click here to visit the website. Now you will see something like this:

[Image: nDmoqeO.png]

Now I believe you’ve seen two boxes at the top where you can enter your upload speed, either in kilobit/second or kilobyte/second. Now you know your speed was displayed in Megabits/second so we need to convert it to kilobits/second. To do that, simply multiply your upload speed with 1024. So in my case it would be 0.38*1024=380 kilobits/second. Alternately, you can use a website likeConvertUnits to convert Mbps to Kbps.

[Image: YTsP7gt.png]

Now what you need to do is enter this value, in to the respective field in our Azureus webpage and get the results. So as soon as you fill this upload speed in the website, the remaining columns will be auto-filled with values, values that you’ve to enter in uTorrent to optimize it. So here is how it’ll look like once you’ve entered the value into the box.

[Image: oUS6c1N.png]

Please know that the values you get on entering your upload speed will be different from mine and you have to use the values which YOU get to proceed to the further steps. So these are the values we will be using to optimize uTorrent. So make sure you do not close this page since we require these values for the upcoming steps. Once you’ve got the values, we are proceeding to the next step which is assigning the optimized values to the uTorrent configuration settings. For that, first open up uTorrent. Once you’ve done that, Click Options > Preferences.

[Image: NfuN9v8.png]

Once the preferences window has opened, we need to fill up the values. For that click the Bandwidth tab on the left pane and fill the values into the respective columns like this:

[Image: 64rWpl3.png]

Now head to the Queuing Tab from the Left Pane and fill up the rest of the values like this:

[Image: YTVWmaQ.png]

Yeah! You’re all done. Now you’ve actually optimized your uTorrent configuration settings to suit your internet connection and your PC. Unlike other tutorials which promise you 100% speed increase, this is an actual working method which you can try and use on your PC. Now we’ve successfully covered the first part of this tutorial. In the next part, we’ll tinker a bit more and utilize something called ports and learn how it can really help to increase your uTorrent speed.

Optimizing Ports To Increase Download Speed

Once we’ve configured the upload settings, it’s time to optimize our ports. If you know nothing about ports, a port is a network resource that your torrent client uses to allow other systems in the network to access your PC. All the ports have unique numbers like 3333 or 4545 which are known as TCP port number. So when other systems try to access your PC, they do it through some random ports. Suppose they’re trying to access port number 5435 and if your ports are closed or blocked, they won’t be able to access your PC and stops connections to your PC and thereby decrease your download speed. So you’ll need forwarded ports to have maximum connections to PC in the network and get maximum download speed. So we will be learning how to open ports and enable others to establish a connection to your PC.

First what you need to do is disable any firewalls on your PC. If you have a firewall or Antivirus program installed, it will block incoming connections thereby decreasing your download speed. So you need to disable any firewalls or antivirus programs on your PC. Alternatively, you can add an exception for your uTorrent client in the firewall too. This will have the same effect. Now we need to forward a particular port. Now there are no specific instructions on how to forward a port on your PC. It completely depends on what type and brand of router you’ve got. The settings will completely vary and to overcome this difficulty, we will be using a website named PortForward

[Image: ymihGRE.png]

Once you’ve entered the website, you’ll see two boxes where you can choose your router brand and your router model and then the website will give you specific instructions to forward a port for a particular application on your PC. So specify the brand and model and then choose uTorrent from the list of applications to forward. Now you’ll see specific instructions just for you like this:

[Image: 3iaoN2y.png]

Now once you’ve followed all the steps it’s time to check whether you’ve successfully forwarded the port. This ensures you’ve done all the steps right and you’re ready to use the port. For that we will be visiting the website CanYouSeeMe. When you’re in the website, enter the port which you forwarded and click Check Your Port to know whether you’ve done it right. If yes, the website will say you’ve successfully forwarded. Else it will pop up an error in which case you’ve to repeat the steps and rectify it.

That’s it! You’ve successfully optimized your uTorrent for maximum download speed. All your downloads will be much faster from now on and you’ll be having lots of connections from your PC making it even better. If you’ve followed this guide, I can guarantee you’ve now got a faster download speed. That sums it up for this tutorial. Thanks for reading.

i am not founder of this detail. i got this detail from another site.


Download Torrent Files Without Using Torrent Client with Maximum Speed

Hey guys, Today i am gonna show a trick which is very useful those who use Torrent daily. As we all love to download movies ,music , Software from torrent but for some reasons , clients like utorrent ,bittorrent, Vuze & many more unable to give Maximum download speed where as IDM (Internet Download Manager) gives more speed than these torrent clients.
So I am gonna share a Trick by which you can download torrent files from IDM. I would recommend IDM because its the best Download Manager on Internet. 

Note: If the file is 2MB , or 100 MB, or 500 MB or 1 GB m or 8 GB or any size , IDM will download the whole file in one go. There will be no Parts like it is in Rapidshare or hotfile etc. And yes there is Resume Capablity , so that you can pause at anytime.

Steps To Follow:
Step 1: Download & Install IDM (Internet download Manager). If you don't know where to find IDM then PM me , i will you the link.

Step 2: Copy Any torrent link address or download the torrent file.
[Image: AlJK5.jpg]

Step 3: Visit 
THIS site.
[Image: 2zKug.jpg]

Step 4:Paste the Link address or upload the torrent file.

[Image: Q7koT.jpg]
After doing this step, Click on Go Free

[Image: m01de.jpg]

What it will do ,you must be thinking!!
As in simple language,the site where you have upload the torrent file will download the whole torrent stuff & will give you the direct link. And if got IDM , then the download will automatically start with IDM with Maxed out Speed. 


Speed Up Your Internet By 20%

Microsoft reserves 20% of your available bandwidth for their own purposes like Windows Updates and interrogating your PC etc

You can get it back:

Click Start then Run and type "gpedit.msc" without quotes. This opens the group policy editor.
Then go to:
--> Local Computer Policy
--> Computer Configuration
--> Administrative Templates
--> Network
--> QOS Packet Scheduler
--> Limit Reservable Bandwidth.
Double click on Limit Reservable bandwidth.
 It will say it is not configured, but the truth is under the 'Explain' tab i.e." By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a connection, but you can use this setting to override the default."
So the trick is to ENABLE reservable bandwidth, then set it to ZERO. This will allow the system to reserve nothing, rather than the default 20%.It works on Win 2000 as well. 


Ideas To Improve Google Position (Search Engine Ranking)

How-to-Rank-a-Website-Higher-In-Google + simple ideas for rankingShould you be trying to boost your Yahoo and google Ranking. When you are searching Ways to Improve The Google Standing. So, Its not just a job of miracles. SEO gurus who enhance your google ranking does not belong in order to Heavens or perhaps hells, these are humans just like we are usually. Every one particular skills, are you aware of, what kind of skills they've already? They are only hard staff. Hard function can enhance your google ranking.

Yes! this just isn't a function of evils in addition to angles. It's human’s function. While they might do the idea, why Can’t people? Surely you are able to improve the google ranking because of your own. The necessity is simply to to function hard. You will get a variety of tips to boost your google ranking. You might follow them with truthfulness. You could possibly improve the google ranking slightly. But, still i so want to say, you're just asked to work hard with consistency. Since you get worn out or people follow suggestions some day every thirty days. It might improve the ranking at a time, but, it will eventually hurt the google ranking there after. google desires consistency and working hard to enhance your google ranking.


1. Usually Updated One Of A Kind Content.

We use to determine content is usually king, information is double. We don’t would like to hear the idea because, we don’t would like to work in material of our blog. We do think that SEO my spouse and i. e. on-page search engine optimization and off-page search engine optimization will cope with everything.
The one thing i use to determine in new bloggers is usually, they fear so much search engine optimization and following is, they need short cuts to boost your google ranking.
When you are really interested to boost your google ranking. Then don’t hesitate and don’t get sick and tired of efforts.
This can be a way to boost your google ranking. Content could be the master king in the world of world wide web. While you're working with a blog, you should look at the content first. If you could have quality information then only don’t receive afraid of alligators of internet. For a while you probably won't get found in google, just don’t worry about that.
You might surely get those position throughout google people deserve. Just don't beak people consistency to do good function. You will really improve the ranking soon.

2. Keywords And Phrases Decoration Format

For quite some time i carry out believe that you have a quality unique information and you then don’t understand how to utilize it to boost your google ranking. You will need tips to boost your google Ranking, are you aware of what it's?
Your information should an improved density of keywords people chooses. You need to provide any your search phrase in concept, heading in addition to in the beginning of paragraph. After that provide search phrase properly throughout hole on the article for getting indexed throughout google in addition to improve the google rating.
This is termed decoration of keywords so that you can could enhance your google ranking.
The other important factor is layout. Layout is part of decoration. That is important that you improve the goole rating. Your essential material like keywords in addition to description must be at prime and in left place too.

3. How Concept And Description Must Be Designed?

You'd be thinking why i will be making it an exceptional paragraph. Yes it has its important devote Search engine marketing.
Title on the blog is it is important, Some WEB OPTIMIZATION expert said which you give me a fantastic title of he blog, i, ll teach you your blog to begin with page of Google. Its biggest thing throughout SEO.
The other important factor is title on the post. Decorate it based on your search phrase. And its really should not be long since it may build problem throughout appearing from search results also it may harm someone to improve the google rating.
The the next thing is the description of this blog in addition to article. Provide the important keywordsinside the top description on the blog in addition to article too.
While you're using any blog getting photos, you must should provide that descriptive alt text. Keywords must be used effectively.
You can easily choose the keyword in Google Adword, that will show you, how persons use to look the topic of your document.

4. Domain Uniqueness.

If you have not authorized your website, you must be careful regarding it. Its among most thing, to enhance your google ranking.
Your domain must be unique and may have any keyword encompassing your topic on the blog.

5. Incredible Importance Of Quality Backlinks.

You should be aware of the fact that the Quality backlinks. If you have thousands of backlinks and maybe they are not one way links then it will eventually harm someone to improve the google rating.
Be careful concerning the importance of quality one way links. You should have to do more initiatives on quality backlinks to boost your google ranking.
Search several Comment Appreciate dofollow websites of high page ranking. get found in google for your comment quantity on which blog. Since you post discuss dofollow blog, note decrease the URL the period, that will likely be your variety of comment.
Don’t throw away cash on the actual false fights of internet sites, that says someone to improve the ranking throughout days in addition to hours, SEO takes the perfect time to improve the google rating.
While you can use SOCIALMONKEE my spouse and i, m employing for our blogs. It provides you Dofollow Quality backlinks daily at no cost, for every one of your web site, you distribute daily. It will eventually improve the google rating, but, download the actual report of this backlinks and have indexed throughout google, for just about every backlink on the report.

6. Get Those Posts Related In Blog Site.

You really should link your just about every post of this blog together. That will improve the google ranking per of the page.
You need to link properly, link posts having appropriate description and you should not link your submit with reduced URL, like bit. ly. Its will harm someone to improve the google list.

7. Incredible Importance Of Stats.

You need to check stats of this blog every day. That will show you, how your blog is being searched. You'll get keywords which attracts the blogs. Develop that key phrases more. This can surely enhance your google ranking for the keyword.

8. Create Guest Posts.

If you could have time and you'll write in other blogs too. Then produce guest posts on dofollow high page ranking blogs, trying for guest posts. try for your best in order to decorate which, your article must be attractive in addition to descriptive in addition to useful in addition to showing the skills too. It can provide you any dofollow high quality backlink in addition to Traffic in your blog at no cost. This will really increase the pagerank plus your will enhance your google ranking too.



It is common observation that some times our computer slows down due to low performance of hard drive. This problem happens due to the slow performance or poor speed of hard drive. When we say about poor performance, actually we mean, poor speed of reading/writing of hard drive. This problem can be solved by increasing the hard drive speed. Follow these steps to solve your problem.

Click Start menu and select run.
Now type (sysedit.exe) in run and press enter.
System configuration editor will appear.
Here you can see some multiple windows but you will select (system.ini).
This window contains a line (386enh)
Now after this line type (irq14=4096)
Now close this window and save it.
Reboot your computer now.
You will surely feel better performance of your computer.


Lock a Folder With Password Using Free Folder Protector

All of us have some files and folders that we consider private. They can be anything from our business documents to pictures of friends and family. These are files that we don't want other people using our computer to know about. As Windows offers no way to protect our private information, most of us get in awkward situations when these files are discovered by unwanted people.

Lock Folder Windows
Surely, you can store this information in a hidden folder. The only problem is that anyone can easily search the contents of a hidden folder using Windows Search itself.

The only viable solution is storing this content in a password protected folder so that only those people knowing the password of the folder can access it. There are many folder locking programs available online but the problem is that most of the good ones are paid. Even if you do manage to get a good free one, you will be looked at suspiciously when people see a folder locker in the list of your installed programs.

If you too find yourself in a similar situation, you can try Folder Protector, a password protector for Windows folders that is not only free but is also portable meaning that it does not need to be installed. Just click on the exe file and the program will start running. I have created this program based on suggestions and feature requests that I have received by email over the last two years.

Folder Protector

Folder Protector offers each user a protected folder that can only be opened by entering the password in FolderProtector. Unlike most security programs, Folder Protector is small in size (nearly 58KB) and does not show the folder that it is protecting. This gives an additional advantage that people who don't know the password do not have a target to try and hack their way into. As the software is portable, you can hide it or even delete it after protecting your folder and no one will have a clue that it was used. Then whenever you need to access protected files, you can re-download the program from this page, enter the password and access your protected files.

Download Folder Protector

Download for Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista

Download for Windows XP

How to use Folder Protector?
When you run Folder Protector for the first time, the program will ask you for a password that you want to use. Enter a password that you can remember as this will be the password to your protected folder.

Lock Folder With Password

After entering the password, the program will open a folder named SecuredFILES. This is your protected folder. You can add all your private files in this folder. This folder is located at the Desktop. After adding all your files, you may close this folder.

Then, you can use the menu in the program to lock your folder. To lock the folder, type lock as your action. After successfully locking the folder, FolderProtector will display that the folder is locked.

Free Folder Lock

Unlocking the protected folder is easy. Just type unlock as your action. Then the program will ask you to enter your password. Upon successfully entering the password, the program will display the contents of your protected folder.

Changing the Password: Just type change as your action. The program will ask you for your current password. Upon successful entry of the current password, the program will ask for your new password and change it instantly.

Acknowledgment: This software has been made possible only through the suggestions of readers of this blog, especially Ernell Albert Galido for his idea of using a menu based interface.

Windows Compatibility: This program has been successfully tested on Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.


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